From Which Point You See


Day 2 of the 200 push ups is starting make my mind mix into words to drop out my courage in keepin up to through this challenge.
Its not talking about showing up but its refer to reflection of myself doing my commitment till the end.

Im trying not to selfishly lying to my mind, but this is one kind of way to make i can finish my challenge by reducing the digits of many times of push ups. Convert to how many times of repetition.

Some people might think this is useless. Others might feel that this kind of mind suggestion.
But it wont change anything, because i'll do it for good.
Because i want to be better.

So, never think backward about how many you had done,
but always think forward about how many you can achieve.

Life is a challenge itself.

Day 2
7 reps 25 my moderate push ups
Last 25 are
10 hand wide push ups
5 triangle
10 hand wide push ups

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