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UI Architect Alumni


Rest in Peace to our beloved : Yuswill Rayda, Sanny Ishak, Rizal Rusdi (Polo)

Architecture Alumni Videos


Rest in Peace to our beloved : Yuswill Rayda, Sanny Ishak, Rizal Rusdi (Polo)

TEMBANG ARSINDO karya Elsondi suatu Prasasti Digital 2021

Kami yang Adalah Satu di KAMPUS SALEMBA kala itu ( PUN KINI )

Talk About Science and Spirituality

DEAF SPACE - a thing which might beyond our thoughts

Make our own choreo - Dancing Engineers FTUI

Nostalgia Masa masa Perkuliahan Kita Dulu Alumni Arsitektur UI

Redefining our World : Webinar on 26 June 2020

Inilah Suara Hati Kita ( Alumni Arsitektur UI 1978)

Terima Kasih bukan Untuk Kembali

Architecture AlumniMore on ARCHITECTURE


Steve Jobs
“It takes a lot of hard work to make something simple, to truly understand the underlying challenges and come up with elegant solutions”

TEMBANG ARSINDO karya Elsondi suatu Prasasti Digital 2021
By UIArch Open Community

By Kim Mei

By Kim Mei

Lima Puluh Lima Tahun ARSITEKTUR UI : Sunday Ars
By Kim Mei

Adanya Suku Laut sebagai bukti bahwa Keeksistensian Manusia adalah Abadi?
By Kim Mei

quote of the day...
Good things
Architecture Podcasts
More on Podcast


Obrolan bersama Pris

Sekilas bersama Annisa Dyah Lazuardini

Dialog bersama Kim Mei

“One of the basic principal of Human Right is to get a Free Education and Useful Knowledge for humankind ...”

UIArch Open

Open LectureUIArch Open Lecture

Talk About Science and Spirituality

DEAF SPACE - a thing which might beyond our thoughts

Architecture and Scarcity #01

“Thinking outside of the box is unnecessary when there are no boxes in your imagination”
Matshona Dhliwayo
Architecture Alumni Out Of The BoxOut of the box

The Inspired Space

Talk About Science and Spirituality

Acara Webinar yang diselenggarakan oleh kali ini, lebih banyak mengupas tentang Spiritulisme dan pemahamannya dilanjutkan dengan teori praktikal dalam pikiran yang berfokus kepada 'ADA' ". Sementara sains mempelajari dan mencari jawaban segala sesuatu fenomena eksternal diluar diri manusia; disisi lain Spiritualitas merupakan proses pemahaman individu agar mengenal lebih dalam tentang dirinya melalui pengalaman-pengalaman dalam perjalanan hidup yang dilaluinya.
By UIArch Open Community

By Kim Mei


Architeture Alumni Ideas
More on Ideas


DEAF SPACE - a thing which might beyond our thoughts

Rupa-rupa yang Hendak Berdamai dengan Kita

Architecture and Scarcity #02
How much clean water is available to drink? How polluted is the air that we breathe? How much plastic do we throw away without any respect for the environment? Are we aware that big cities are poisoning planet on which we live? ...

Don't play with your mind for making excuses
You will get good results when you celebrate the victory within the pains and the tortures beneath your body ...

momen kumpul - kumpul arisan angkatan 1965 - 1970 an (2)

Steve Jobs
“Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while”
UIArch Photographyphotography

momen kumpul - kumpul arisan angkatan 1965 - 1970 an (2)
By UIArch Open Community

momen kumpul - kumpul arisan angkatan 1965 - 1970 an
By UIArch Open Community

What You See in One Frame
By Kim Mei

Serupa Tapi Tak Sama
By Kim Mei

what are you or who are you?
By Kim Mei

Digital Technology
explore more on Digital Tech

Digital Technology

Belajar Menggambar
By Sjahrazad Alamsjah

Ketika Low-Quality-Material Malah Dicari Banyak Orang (Part 1)
By Apel Ranthy

Learning Camtasia : Is learning a shortcut was the best way to succeed?
By Kim Mei

Exploring Big Data in Education
By Sjahrazad Alamsjah

There are No Right or Wrong Answers
By Kim Mei

“Educationists should build the capacities of the spirit of inquiry, creativity, entrepreneurial and moral leadership among students and become their role model”
Abdul Kalam
Architecture Alumni GlossaryGlossary


Spatial composition


Moral Relativism


Gunawan Tjahjono

Prof. Gunawan Tjahjono received his BSc of Architecture from the University of Indonesia, Jakarta in 1975 and MSc of Architecture from University of California at Los Angeles. He completed achieved a Ph.D. in University of California at Berkeley. Since 1989, he is Member, Advisory Board of Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review a University of California at Berkeley based refereed journal for International Association for the Studies of Traditional Environment. He appointed as professor Professor of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, the University of Indonesia since 2002.

Architeture Alumni Features
Yayasan Gunawan Tjahjono
Architecture Alumni AboutALUMNI FOR THE ALUMNI


Merupakan wadah interaksi antar alumni aktif dalam profesi arsitek ataupun yang berkecimpung dalam berbagai bidang industri sebagai professional maupun wiraswasta.


“Either you run the day or the day runs you”
Jim Rohn
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