"Narrative exploration through series of events"


Department of Architecture
Universitas Indonesia & VibiBuzz

Final Project 2020 Webinar
by the Class of 2016

[#01]: Architecture and Scarcity: Narrative Exploration Through Series of Events

The world has been gripped by fear of the coronavirus. Countries close their borders, health protocols urge people to stay at home, offices are empty, high rise buildings stand like dead monuments. This session will show how architecture narrates the anxiety of the pandemic through architectural compositions. Aside from the coronavirus, it also expands the view of what will happen in the future responding to the humanity and the missing events of nationalism.

Date, time:
Friday, 16 October 2020
19.00 - 21.00 WIB

1. Baihaqi Abdullah
(Heaven Heel's Museum : Recall The Catastrophic Outbreak)
2. Ferdinand Teguh
(2033: New Normal - A World Where We Pay Our Freedom for Health and Safety)
3. Edgar Harvian Tanchurya
(2045: A Tale About Chaos, Peace and Lost Identity)

Reviewer :
Ir.Sonny Sutanto, M.Arch., IAI
(Sonny Sutanto Architects)

Moderator :
Farid Aditama Rakun, S.Ars., M.Arch.
(Lecturer of Final Project Studio 2020,
Department of Architecture UI)

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Thank you and see you!

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